EFD Group believes that it is important to establish good corporate governance within the Group as this provides the foundation for a well-managed and efficient organisation that can in turn focus on sustaining good business performance.
The Board of Directors of EFD Group is committed to continually develop and uphold these high standards of corporate governance. The Board is responsible for the Group’s long-term success. The role of the Board is to, among other things:
- Provide entrepreneurial leadership, set strategic objectives, and ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Company to meet its objectives;
- Review the Group’s investments and divestments and the performance of the business;
- Review the Group’s management’s performance;
- Identify the key stakeholder groups and recognise that their perceptions affect the Group’s reputation;
- Consider corporate governance matters;
- Review internal policies and procedures and establish a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risks to be assessed and managed, including safeguarding Shareholders’ interests and the Group’s assets;
- Put in place a code of conduct and ethics, which sets an appropriate tone-from-the-top and desired organisational culture and ensures proper accountability within the Company;
- Ensure that obligations to Shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met;
- Consider sustainability issues as part of its strategic formulation; and
- Deliberate on other transactions and matters that require its direction or approval.
The Board holds meetings at least once quarterly. Ad-hoc meetings will be held as and when warranted by circumstances and as deemed appropriate by the Board. The Directors are continually updated on the Group’s affairs by the Management via e-mails.
The vision and mission of the EFD Group are regularly reviewed by EFD Board members. The current vision and mission were revised and approved by the Board of Directors in December 2021.
The Chairman of the Board is U Sai Myo Win. The responsibilities of the Chairman include:
- Leading the Board to ensure its effectiveness on all aspects of its role, in particular its oversight of the Management;
- Promoting a culture of openness and debate at the Board;
- Ensuring that the Directors receive complete, adequate and timely information;
- Ensuring effective communication by the Board and the Management with Shareholders;
- Encouraging constructive relations within the Board and between the Board and the Management; and
- Promoting high standards of corporate governance for the Group.
The Management team led by the Group Chief Operating Officer and the Group Chief Investment Officer has executive responsibilities in the business directions and operational efficiency of the Group. They oversee the execution of the Group’s corporate and business strategies and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the business.
The Internal Audit Committee of Excellent Fortune Development Group Company Limited is composed of five members. The committee constantly reviews Policies, Frameworks, Rules and Regulations to ensure compliance and provide guidance.
Organization Chart
The United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. EFD considers these guidelines as important guidelines and adheres to the following:

It is also striving to become an ISO-certified organization by 2022.